Thursday, December 1, 2011

Transit in Ypsi = Super Relevant

So, in case you missed it (trust me you missed it) last night there was a meeting about Transit in our region at the Spark East on Michigan Ave in Ypsilanti see this link!/events/219604381443178/.

The meeting was highly informative and very relevant to Ypsilanti citizens that might want to use public transport in the future or are currently using it.

The meeting discussed a five year plan as well as a thirty year vision for public transportation in Washtenaw county.

They discussed areas that they were looking to expand to, and ideas that they had to increase efficiency's in the current system. Not only did they discuss what their plans were they actually asked for input from the crowd and documented the info, and will actually follow up on it.

Of course I voiced some of my opinions about what I thought would be a benefit to the current bus routes including having buses come to the Whittaker Rd. Library as well as Schooner Cove apartments. I also recommended a park and ride at Waterworks park (off Factory and Grove).

They additionally discussed adding a line that will transport to the airport starting next month, that will cost about 15 dollars, much better than the current 50 dollar taxi ride.

All in all this meeting was very informative and very reflective. The committee of transportation they have brought together are very interested in becoming more efficient and growing the routes as well as connecting into the rail system.

This meeting gave me an even greater feeling of real estate worth in Ypsilanti. and shows the promise of an easy city living that could be possible through this system and alleviate many people unnecessary transportation costs and help to increase the quality of life and reduce our individual carbon footprints.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Jaycees are Helping Ypsilanti

I am proud to say that I am a contributing member of the Ypsilanti Jaycees an organization dedicated to helping the community it lives and works in and loving every minute of it.

So, you re in your 20's or 30's and you have worked long hours all week at your job and along comes Saturday time to relax right. Sleep in, put your feet up watch the UofM game, take a nap, get ready to head out to the bar right?

Well this is what your Saturday would look like if you were actively involved in the Jaycees. 8:00 AM Saturday morning meet with the other Jaycees to organize 80 baskets of food that you and other Jaycees are bringing door to door to needy families in Ypsi.

2:00 PM all the baskets are distributed to the thankful and wonderful Ypsi residents that needed a little help for Thanksgiving.

3:00 Start setting up for the "Annual Senior Dinner" held at the Senior Center in Recreation Park in Ypsi.

6:00 Start dishing out food to over 80 Ypsilanti area seniors and enjoying their company and appreciation for a free Thanksgiving dinner well served by volunteers with smiling faces.

8:00 Clean up the Senior Center and put away all of the tables and wash all the dishes

9:03 Pass out :D

If you want to know more about the Ypsilanti Area Jaycees check us out, you wont regret it

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Rail Transit And Ypsilanti

So, its finally here.....well almost. The Detroit Region is one of the last major metro areas in the United States to not have a intergrated rail and transit system to connect cities and regions.

Recently Michigan has recevied federal grants to step up our rail service and make it possible to step up our Region and our State into transportation relevancy. Govener Snyder is a big fan of rail and sees it as a way to plan for our states future growth and sustainability.

So, what would an active rail service look like in our part of the world. Well the way  I see it is like many other metro areas that have rail transit. In these areas many people buy real estate near rail for ease of commute to thier jobs or entertainment.

Now I want you to envision what Depot town would look like if it had a train stop with stops at UofM hospital, Ford, and the Airport. These are three of our regions largest and most consitent employers.

Could you imagine the attractiveness of Ypsilanti to a Ford Executive? I can, what about a Pilot? Or a nurse?

My point is simply this there are homes that you can buy a block away from a possible train stop in Depot town for $30,000.

Now can you imagine how much that same home would be worth the train stop to all of these destinations stopped in Ypsilanti? I can.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Help Save Heritage Festival

I have to say that one of the best things about Ypsilanti is how easy it is to get involved in the community. This is a place where one person really can make a difference, and that good ideas and positive thinking are encouraged and embraced.

Last Tuesday night The Heritage Festival Committee invited the community down to the Spark East building on Michigan Ave to ask for the communities help. The room was literally packed with supporters that want to help.

To give you a little history the Heritage festival is a annual free family fun event held in the city. In recent years it has lost some of its past glory and the opportunity to re-invent the event has been placed at the communities doorstep.

All of the previous council members save one are leaving the group opening the door for innovation. At the meeting on Tuesday the leaving council members talked to the group about the duties of their positions and where the event stood presently.

After the discussion and questions the groups were divided into areas of interest and were asked to form committees. They really allowed the individuals in Ypsi to make a change, and some absolutely great ideas came out of this brainstorming.

I am going to join the Entertainment committee and we have already came up with some absolutely great plans for next year. I will keep you updated, look forward to a rockin Heritage Festival!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ypsi's Got Talent Review

The 3rd Annual Ypsi's got talent ROCKED!!!! Hosted by the Ypsi Jaycees and Emceed by yours truly Coach T the event was fun, diverse, and original to say the least.

The event started with a awesome local artist Tim Dunn, who happens to moonlight as a Ninja (jk). He rocked out with his awesome shiny gituar and gave the crowd a thrill. There we 9 acts in all on this Friday night at the Tap Room in downtown Ypsi.

Other highlights were a spirited performance by Beemcee and Nino of the group FOW. The lyrical skills were matched with thier dynamic sound and coordinated performance. Definately a crowd favorite, to say the least.

The grand prize went to the dance troupe Patchwerk. I literally felt like I was on ABDC I was waiting for Mario Lopez to walk in. The group of ten dancers lit up the small space on the Tap Room floor. The dance styles ranged from ballet to hip hop.

The final artist Danielle put on a awesome Killing me Softly. The crowd was so into it they actually out sang her at moments.

Other highlights were when I played the Ghostbusters theme, and literally everybody in the crowd was yelling out GHOSTBUSTERS, good times.

Monday, October 10, 2011

What is Ypsilanti Open House

What is Ypsilanti Open House?!?!?!?

To quote one of my favorite shows the A Team "I love it when a plan comes together". For the last few months agencies from around the beautiful city of Ypsilanti have been working together to show the public what a great city we have.

This event is in its 3rd year and takes place in the city of Ypsilanti this Saturday October 15th from 12-4. There are many facets to this event and many parties that champion the city are involved. In summation this event was created to show new people to the area all the great things that the city has to offer.

Want to check out some houses? We will have almost 30 open houses in the city from 12-4 pick up your maps and the downtown Key bank on Michigan Ave. or simply visit the website

Want to learn about the nuances of home buying? Please visit the Key bank center we will have lenders and Realtors on site to answer your questions about home ownership.

Ready to buy and need some assistance? We are holding a Washtenaw Housing Education Partners class at the Key Bank, and when passing they will offer down payment assistance

Just interested in seeing what the city has to offer and getting some eats? Take a tour guided bus tour around the city and get a EMU discount card to use at local eateries and shops.

Come give Ypsilanti a look we know you will like what you see :D

Friday, September 30, 2011

Ypsi's Got Talent......And My Story

This year Coach T will be hosting the annual Ypsi's Got Talent at the Tap Room on Friday October 14th sponsored by the Ypsilanti Area Jaycees. I happened to have won first place last year but I won something more important than any girlfriend Stephanie.

I remember walking into the the back room of the bar, and seeing her for the first time. She was so radiant I cant remember seeing another sole that night in the bar besides her. A bit later I got up and performed my song, and she was my biggest fan clapping and smiling, again all I saw was her.

After the performances we were running a "Dating Game", and my friend Mike was the bachelor. And wouldn't you know it Stephanie was one of the contestants. I sat in the front row and admired her and her cute and poignant answers.

And then the moment Mike had to make his choice between the three contestants. I could barely contain myself literally yelling at him to pick number two (Stephanie) "she is beautiful" I said, and "seriously".

Alas Mike did not pick her, I was in one moment sad, and in the next giddy with hope. Moments later I went over to congratulate her friend on the win, and started talking to her. Things have never been the same.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Who are you serving

When I became a Realtor I decided to do it because it gave me a chance to really serve "others". What does that mean? Well to me it means doing right by other people regardless of weather it is best for "me" or not.

Sure sometimes its tough but I knew it wasn't going to be easy. And there have been so many times I have been frustrated with my clients. Weather it was writing an offer that was too low, or needing to see a property at a time that was not perfect for my schedule.

But I decided to be in the business to serve "others" not "me". It does not matter what time is best for "me". It does not matter how much my client wants to spend, or even if they ever buy a house at all. The only thing that matters is that I serve them.

Many times we as Realtors, and really as people are too busy putting ourselves first. We tend to look at clients as dollar signs and adjust the value of people with how much they affect our bank account.

I am only saying this because I have done this myself and am guilty on all counts of putting price tags on the people I serve.

Thankfully, I have been able to cut this price tag off those I serve through constant self evaluation. And it has enabled me to remember the reason I decided to start this career to serve "others" not "me".

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why Real Estate

It seems like everytime I tell someone that I am a realtor they get a look of fear in thier eyes and ask "how are things going". The reality is that joining the real estate game at this juncture is a little bit crazy because the market is down so low.

This esentially means that there is not alot of cash to make (btw realtors are 100% comission). Reason being not alot of people are selling thier homes because they cant get alot of money for them, if they even can sell them as 28% of homeowners are underwater on thier mortgage.

As a result of this less homes are on the market, so less options for your buyers as well. This coupled with the fear that new home buyers have caused by all of the predatory lending makes for very few buyers and obviously becasue the market is so far down much less commission made by the realtors.

So why would I do this right now, why would I want to get into this business at such a tumultuous time in housing. Well, simply put I love to help people and this is what I do best.

When I bought a house a little over two years ago the process was very trying and I had a horrible realtor but the experience was worth it all. Everytime I wake up I realize the amazing blessing that is my home, my own home. When I see that people are renting homes just like mine for double what I pay on my mortgage I am extremely thankful.

I became a Realtor to pass this emotion on to others so they can wake up and be thankful. And I am doing just that :D

Saturday, September 3, 2011

When Giving Back Gives Back

I read a quote today that made me think about the ability to live the life that has been intented for me and how often I fall short of it.

"Ones real life is often the life that one does not lead" Oscar Wilde.

I think about how much of my life has been spent not being who I really am, in my process of trying to fit in with what the world would like me to be.

And then I think about what my life looks like when I am really living the life that has been intended for me.

Today I am going to the U of M football game. I am not going becasuse I went to UofM, I am not going because I have disposable income, and I am not going because I am excited about Brady Hoke.

I am going because the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Washtenaw County gave me and my little brother Damon the tickets.

I realize as I walk though this life that when I follow the plan and allow myself to be "me" wonderful things happen. Not just for me but for people that are close to me as well.

We have all given till it hurt to somebody or something at some point in our lives. Maybe we need to ask ourselves what that giving has produced, did it give back?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Public Transit In Detroit.....No Really

So while I was doing my early AM facebook browsing to start my day as typical, I noticed one of my friends "Liked" Freshwater Railway. I did not know this person to be a silly person so I clicked on the link and was immediately baffeled.

First I thought maybe this is a joke, then I thought there is no way, then I thought how did they pull this off. Altogether my thoughts were all over the place, and they still are please check out this site and have your mind blown. I will take a rail trip this weekend and report back.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Detroit Needs Our Help

Have you ever drove through the city of Detroit, no not drove downtown for a game or a concert. But literally drove through the neighborhoods of Detroit, and saw what is really happening.

Well, thats what I did today, I was in Sterling Heights on some business and I decided to drive downtown for lunch at Eastern Market on my way home. And instead of just taking 75 took M-53 instead (Van Dyke).

At first it wasnt bad at all the Sterling Heights area looks great. Then things slowly started to turn as I approached the city of Warren. A slow replacement of Starbucks and Applebees with Liqour Stores and Fast Food Joints. I next passed through the small town of Centerline, and then things really started to get bad. I believe that for about a twenty mile strech there must have been at least 50 vacant businesses maybe more, I could only look in horror on one side of the street at a time.

I saw people walking by these once thriving businesses that were now often times piles of dilapedated bricks and thought wow what if this was my street corner how would that affect me? I cant imagine this kind of decay being a part of my day to day growning up, I simply cant.

My journey continued downtown, and after some great local BBQ I meandered across town headed west in serch of hope thinking that things would start looking up eventually.

The only thing that wiped the remorseful look off of my face when faced with the reality that this problem carried itself neighborhood to neighborhood in this once shining city was the children. The children playing in the parks and front yards riding bikes or dribbiling basketballs. When I saw them the ruins of Detroit didnt matter for a moment, and then mattered all the more a second later.

I departed my hours of touring the city thinking this is just too big of a problem, how is it possible to ever solve it. I became overwhelmed and frusterated what neighborhood do we start in, what is the biggest need, is it even worth it?

I came back with this answer YES, how can I fix it DO MY PART. What is my part? I dont know but I am willing to go, are you?

- You dont have to do it all just do something please

-May Earlywine

Friday, August 19, 2011

Edward Surovell A Good Man

Today my Broker Edward Surovell took me out for a lunch we wondered over to Little Ceasers next door to the office and shared a peice of pizza and a pop.

I listened to his scholorly advice about how to find success and happiness in our business with my ears wide open. One thing that always stuck with me that Ed said was "A good Realtor is an asset to the community".

Over the years Ed has done more than just sold people houses but rather has got involved in bettering the community and paving the way forward for myself and other realtors. There was a time in A2 history that Realtors could not put a sign in the yard showing that the home was for sale. He fought to get signs in the yard and years later we take it for granted.

This might seem like a small item and it is when you compare it to all of the other things he has done to be an "Asset to the community".

This is the type of person I strive to be somone that is known for what he does for others and a shining example of this is right on my business cards :D

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Getting Involved

Yesterday I randomly met with a couple of the committee memebers for restoring the historic Ypsilanti Freight House We discussed real estate and transit and how improvements to the rail system could really impact the area in a positve way.

I have unoffically joined thier cause to have this historic gem brought back to its glory with a modern day functionality. Thier passion is driven not by self motivation but rather regional motivation and doing thier part to restore the great community that we have here in Ypsi. I have decided to lend my talents of fundraising and leadership to the cause and am excited to help move this great project forward.

If any of my audience wants to be a part of something great and this opportunity speaks to you please let me know.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Buy A House In Ypsi Twp

So, if you pay about $800 in rent you can afford an absolutely awesome new house in a great neighborhood in Lincoln Schools and put ZERO down!!!! I kinda feel like that if everybody knew this that they would just buy a house.

I am blessed to be able to have a couple of awesome clients that I have been able to inform of this awesomeness and am showing them totally awesome houses that competely rule.

Lemme give you and example: 4 Bedrooms, 2100 sq feet, 2.5 Bath, Nice Kitchen and Appliances, Built in 2003 and absolutely immaculate. For $100,000 this equates to a monthly payment of about $800 including your taxes and homeowners insurance. $800, thats right $800 did I mention zero down. This is how I got a home two years ago.

Having my own awesome house that I can already sell for more than I bought it for is pretty much awesome. I love bringing my clients to the "light" so to speak that this can happen for them. It really makes for a rewarding life for me.

I just wish I could tell more people :D

Friday, August 12, 2011

Real Estate Today

Good stuff today I am writing an offer for my clients on a awesome home in Ypsi that is listed for 30,000 in a great little neighborhood. Really excited to get this offer in for my clients!!!!

I am also helping out a transport to the area via UM find a rental home for him and his family. He is having to rent sight unseen in his move from across country. He found a place that he liked and we put in an application today.

Later I am going to walk it for him and take a video so he can really better connect with his future home. Alot of realtors dont like to deal with rentals becasue of the low reward financially. I look at it like this, renters are people too, and they deserve good service. And if nobody else will give it to them than dang it I will!!!! :D

I am also looking forward to playing basketball with the kids at Ozone House Drop In Center, every Friday we go to recreation park from 4-5 or so. If you know any local youth that want to just hang out in a no pressure enviro please send them over, its cool I promise....I mean I'm there and we know I'm cool.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today In Real Estate

This morning I met a new client that is looking at investment properties here in Ypsi. He owns alot of other propeties and actually has had the kind heart to make his wise decisions benifit his employees. Recently he has been buying a few places around Ypsi and selling them on land contracts to his long standing employees. Talk about an employer investing in thier workers, not to mention investing in the city thier business is in.

We went and looked at a great property in a nice neighborhood in Ypsi for just $30,000 he will turn around and bless one of his longtime employees with a great house on a zero intrest land contract so he can be a homeowner in just a few years.

What it every employer in Ypsilanti did something similar for just one of thier empolyees, just a thought to ponder on.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ozone House Drop In - Ride Partnership

Yesterday the Ride transit center in downtown Ypsilanti annouced the new partnership with a the Ozone House Drop In Center. The partnership will provide the youth of the Ozone House an opportunity to give back to the communtiy by helping to maintian the Ride transit center.

The Ozone House Drop In Center provides an outlet, food, and a safe place daily for young people in Ypsilanti. Teaching the worth of contributing to your own enviroment and caring for your neighborhood is an essential building block in developing young adults to great neighbors :D

Today In Real Estate

Today Tyler Westons Real Estate world was quiet(er). Banks are making the real estate process so difficult and there is literally nothing anybody can do about it. The inability to respond to my buyers in any sort of a resonable time is just inappropriate. Today I finally herd back about a deal I wrote for one of my awesome clients I submitted the offer about a week ago and have heard nothing.

Today I call the listing company to check on my offer (not the first time) and they tell me that they think they rejected my offer.....oh wait no they rejected two other offers but still have not answered on yours. What, how is that possible later I get a counter offer with a higher price than the listing price of the home......what.

On a positive note, my clients are getting a near 3,000 sq foot home built in 2000 for zero down and will be paying about $1,000 per month with everything included in beautiful Ypsilanti Township. I guess a little stress now is worth it :D