Friday, September 30, 2011

Ypsi's Got Talent......And My Story

This year Coach T will be hosting the annual Ypsi's Got Talent at the Tap Room on Friday October 14th sponsored by the Ypsilanti Area Jaycees. I happened to have won first place last year but I won something more important than any girlfriend Stephanie.

I remember walking into the the back room of the bar, and seeing her for the first time. She was so radiant I cant remember seeing another sole that night in the bar besides her. A bit later I got up and performed my song, and she was my biggest fan clapping and smiling, again all I saw was her.

After the performances we were running a "Dating Game", and my friend Mike was the bachelor. And wouldn't you know it Stephanie was one of the contestants. I sat in the front row and admired her and her cute and poignant answers.

And then the moment Mike had to make his choice between the three contestants. I could barely contain myself literally yelling at him to pick number two (Stephanie) "she is beautiful" I said, and "seriously".

Alas Mike did not pick her, I was in one moment sad, and in the next giddy with hope. Moments later I went over to congratulate her friend on the win, and started talking to her. Things have never been the same.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Who are you serving

When I became a Realtor I decided to do it because it gave me a chance to really serve "others". What does that mean? Well to me it means doing right by other people regardless of weather it is best for "me" or not.

Sure sometimes its tough but I knew it wasn't going to be easy. And there have been so many times I have been frustrated with my clients. Weather it was writing an offer that was too low, or needing to see a property at a time that was not perfect for my schedule.

But I decided to be in the business to serve "others" not "me". It does not matter what time is best for "me". It does not matter how much my client wants to spend, or even if they ever buy a house at all. The only thing that matters is that I serve them.

Many times we as Realtors, and really as people are too busy putting ourselves first. We tend to look at clients as dollar signs and adjust the value of people with how much they affect our bank account.

I am only saying this because I have done this myself and am guilty on all counts of putting price tags on the people I serve.

Thankfully, I have been able to cut this price tag off those I serve through constant self evaluation. And it has enabled me to remember the reason I decided to start this career to serve "others" not "me".

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why Real Estate

It seems like everytime I tell someone that I am a realtor they get a look of fear in thier eyes and ask "how are things going". The reality is that joining the real estate game at this juncture is a little bit crazy because the market is down so low.

This esentially means that there is not alot of cash to make (btw realtors are 100% comission). Reason being not alot of people are selling thier homes because they cant get alot of money for them, if they even can sell them as 28% of homeowners are underwater on thier mortgage.

As a result of this less homes are on the market, so less options for your buyers as well. This coupled with the fear that new home buyers have caused by all of the predatory lending makes for very few buyers and obviously becasue the market is so far down much less commission made by the realtors.

So why would I do this right now, why would I want to get into this business at such a tumultuous time in housing. Well, simply put I love to help people and this is what I do best.

When I bought a house a little over two years ago the process was very trying and I had a horrible realtor but the experience was worth it all. Everytime I wake up I realize the amazing blessing that is my home, my own home. When I see that people are renting homes just like mine for double what I pay on my mortgage I am extremely thankful.

I became a Realtor to pass this emotion on to others so they can wake up and be thankful. And I am doing just that :D

Saturday, September 3, 2011

When Giving Back Gives Back

I read a quote today that made me think about the ability to live the life that has been intented for me and how often I fall short of it.

"Ones real life is often the life that one does not lead" Oscar Wilde.

I think about how much of my life has been spent not being who I really am, in my process of trying to fit in with what the world would like me to be.

And then I think about what my life looks like when I am really living the life that has been intended for me.

Today I am going to the U of M football game. I am not going becasuse I went to UofM, I am not going because I have disposable income, and I am not going because I am excited about Brady Hoke.

I am going because the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Washtenaw County gave me and my little brother Damon the tickets.

I realize as I walk though this life that when I follow the plan and allow myself to be "me" wonderful things happen. Not just for me but for people that are close to me as well.

We have all given till it hurt to somebody or something at some point in our lives. Maybe we need to ask ourselves what that giving has produced, did it give back?