Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Day!!!!

Is it just me or do things just seem to be headed in the right direction for both Ypsi and Detroit. Maybe my news is always filtered to positive and uplifting news stories. Or, maybe just maybe we are heading towards good, sustainable, positive growth as a region and more importantly as a people. 

Everyday, I am hearing or experiencing another positive movement in the news that will help to bring better lives for our poor and under educated. More enriching lives for those of us that we would call "Middle Class" . And probably more money for those that have means and are ready to invest it in our recovering and reshaping region. 

To start I am so encouraged to hear all of the positive news on the transit plans. It sounds like as a region we might actually be able to come together to help solve this long term problem that has been plaguing us for an extremely long time. The fact is young smart engaged individuals don't want to have to drive everywhere, and they want public transit. This is just as true here as it is in any vibrant region in the United States, and Detroit is just the last to get on board. Here are a few articles that really gave me hope on this subject of late:, don't know maybe its just me? Maybe nobody else has noticed all of the amazing an positive news in terms of growthnvited-to-give-input-at-ann-arbor-connector-drop-in-sessions-in-december/,

In addition to this amazing news there has also been so much positive news here in Ypsilanti in regards to how we are going to use our city and how our young people will be educated. For those of you that don't know the Willow Run and Ypsilanti School districts just were approved by a vote by the people for a merger, the first of its kind considering both of the school districts are failing and in major debt. 

I have had the honor to be placed in a group of 200 other Ypsi Schools shareholders to help these two new districts re-form into a school system that we all can be proud of as Ypsilanti residents. It looks like a great new start to the financial and organizational problems that have plagued our schools for over a decade.  

All I can say is that if these types of things keep up, that it will be great news for all of us :D